Starters Sea
- Octopus, potatoes and black olives
- Curled, octopus and cherry tomato
- Little squid with corgutes
- Starters
- Grilled vegetables
- Ham, salami, sausages, mozzarella cheese, aubergines
- S. Daniele ham and mozzarella cheese
- S. Daniele ham and Melon
First Course Classic
- Bacon, tomato, cheese
- Bacon, black pepper, cheese
- Bacon, eggs, cheese, black pepper
- Pecorino cheese, black pepper
- Tomato, garlic, oil, chili pepper
Soups of Locanda
- Vegetable soup
- Spelt chick peas and wild mushrooms soup
- Beans and clams soup
- Chick peas and praws soup
Sea Food Pasta
- Spaghetti with clams
- Short pasta with mussels tomato and pecorino cheese
- Long fresh pasta screams corgiuttes and cherry tomato
- *Long fresh pasta asparagus prawns and clams
- Long fresh pasta botargo and clams
- Pasta tuna fish cherry tomato cappers and black olives
- Short fresh pasta hartichokes prawns and anchovies
- Short fresh pasta prawns rocket and cherry tomato
- Small potato dumplings clams prawns and rocket
First of land
- Ricotta cheese, bacon, black pepper
- Wild mushrooms
- Truffles
Short Fresh Pasta
- Corgiutes aubergines and mozzarella cheese
- Bacon fat of colonnata and wild mushrooms
- Bacon brie cheese and truffe
Short Pasta
- Aubergines cappers cherry tomato black olives
- *Broccoli sausages and anchovies
Still first of land
- First Course
- Fresh cheese and spinach
- Red chicory and walnuts
- Wild mashrooms
- Blue cheese melted butter and sage
- Potato Dumplings
- Lemon and parmesan cheese
- Blu cheese and red chicory
- Tortellino of beef white truffles
Second Course of Meats
- Steack
- Slices of paper-thin raw beef
- Grilled baby lamb
- Brased veal shank slice
- Brased veal shank slice and wild mushrooms
- Tripe roman style
- Chicken ham mozzarella cheese parmesan
- Escalope of veal vecchia locanda
- Ham e sage escalope of veal
Strips of Beef
- Wild mushrooms and potatoes
- Taleggio cheese and red chicory
- Artichokes and black olives
- Aubergines and cherry tomato
- Rocket and cherry tomato
Cuts Beef
- Asparagus and trufles
- Potatoes and trufles
- Wild mushrooms
- Potatoes and rosmarine
- Speck and potatoes
- Taleggio cheese and black olives
- Blue cheese and red chicory
- And Artichokes
Fillet of Beef
- Green pepper
- Brie cheese and pink pepper
- Green pepper pink pepper white pepper
- Butter and anchoies
- Red wine Barolo
- Calvados cognac
- Aromatic balsamic vinegar
Second Course Sea Food
- Sea Bass
- Grilled
- Tomato and potatoes
- In a salt crust
- Wild mushrooms
- Gilthead Sea Bram
- Grilled
- White wine vernaccia
- Gurgettes and cherry tomato
Still Sea Food Turbot
- Grilled
- Artichokes
- Rocket and cherry tomato
- Wild mushrooms and potatoes
- Grilled
- Cherry tomato capers and black olives
- Sole
- Grilled
- Miller´s Style
- Grilled
- With tomato
- *Grouper with and asparagus
- *Dentex with corgiuttes
The Cheese
- Roman mild and soft cheese
- Parmesan cheese
- Roman sharp ewe´s cheese
- Blue cheese
- Taleggio cheese
- Mix of cheese for two
- Kneadded pasta cheese grilled
- Kneadded pasta cheese with ham
- Kneadded pasta cheese wild mushrooms
- Kneadded pasta cheese with trufles
Season´s Second Course
- Cicory
- Spinach pine nuts and black olives
- Artichokes roman style
- *Asparagus
- Mixed salad
- Potatoes
- Baked Potatoes
Desserts of Locanda
- Tiramisù ¨Vecchia Locanda¨
- Profiteroles and chocolate
- Wild berries chake with vanilla cream
- Coconut yogurt cream with chocolate
- Vanilla cream with nutella chocolate
- Vanilla cream with strawberry
- Mousse at three chocolates
- Cream catalan
- Chocolate pyramid with mint
- Glazed pears with Barolo wine
- Nougat parfait
- Chef's cake of the day
Season´s Fruits
- Pineapple
- Strawberries
- Melon
- Water melon
- Fruit´s salade
- Orange and kiwi with mirto
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